New tricks:
I think Karen is getting her top right tooth. She's starting to show
more interest in food, and if we catch her in the right mood she'll take
a few tastes from a spoon. We bought her a booster seat/high chair combo
thing and we try to get her to eat with us. Most of the time that's wishful
thinking. Karen does this VERY cute thing now where she scrunches up her
nose and snorts (it's a cute snort, I assure you) in and out like a bull
about to charge. She's crawling all over the place and she'll follow me
around the house. She has almost no interest in her toys, she's incredibly
curious and would much rather get into trouble with some "big people stuff."
Our apt is now mostly childproofed, and Karen is quick to show us what
we've forgotten to do.
This was childproofing
miss number 1. She pulled up on the file cabinet drawer, then leaned in
and shut her fingers in the drawer. Now the drawers are fixed.
This was childproofing
miss number 2, the drawer under the oven used to be filled with plastic
bags. Now it's toys.
This jean jacket is
size 24-36 months, but we roll the sleeves ALL the way up and put it on
her, it's so cute.
I took out a few magnets
for Karen to play with on the fridge. She hasn't figured out how to stick
them to the fridge, just how to take them off and scatter them all over
the kitchen.
Her cheeks are so
deliciously kissable
Karen LOVES the phone
books under the tv. She can play with them for a very long time--it's one
of the main attractions in the room. She flips through the pages as if
she's looking something up.
When you call
her name when she's playing with the phone books, she looks up as if she
knows she's gotten into something. We're having springlike weather, so
you've seen in these pictures some days it's t-shirt weather, some days
you need a sweater.
This is sort of
the face she makes when she scrunches up her nose and snorts in and out.
It's great in real life because she looks, scrunches, snorts, then crawls
top speed at her target. In the big picture, you can kind of make out the
chunk missing from the corner, just above the floorboard which I've painted
in with white-out.