Ari, Beth and Karen Shapiro

Last updated May 24, 1999

And featuring...
TODD getting his award:
Emplyoyee of the Quarter for Productivity.

Way to go Todd!

New Stuff
9 3/4 months - camera's still flakey on and off. Managed to get a few pictures taken. Todd, if you're getting awards for productivity, you're clearly not spending enough time on Karen's web site.
9 1/2 months - I think I've managed to somehow rig up the camera so it works, so I took a bunch of pictures this evening before my luck wears out.

Old Stuff
almost 8 1/2 months
7 3/4 months - she just keeps getting cuter and cuter, what can you do?!
7 1/2 months
7 months
6 1/2 months
pictures from Mom's visit in January - Karen @23weeks
6 months, 1 week
6 months - all the pictures you've been waiting for.
23 weeks
22 weeks - Karen is 5 months old
something interesting: World Health Organization growth charts for girls (weight, length) and boys (w, l)
20 and 21 weeks old
BONUS page - pictures sent in from Mom and Shelley (all big)19 weeks old - and Thanksgiving catchup
16 weeks old - in USA (Michigan)
15 weeks old - in USA (Rockville)14 weeks old
13 weeks old - Karen is a teenager
12 weeks old
11 weeks old
10 weeks old - really 9.5 and 10 weeks.
9 weeks old
8 weeks old - updated Sept 30 (after YK)
Collection of sling pictures - gallery of sling pictures that you've seen in the 6 and 7 weeks pages.
7 weeks old - updated Sept 22
6 weeks old - New pictures added Sept 14
5 weeks old
4 weeks old - we're really slowing down fast on the picture-taking, huh? We're making up for it with video. (Sept 4 added new pictures)
Check out some pictures from Mom's visit (available only until October 1998)
Here is the stuff that was on this page with a note to Bud (pictures from Dad's visit)
Karen, 3 weeks old
Karen at home
Karen- Born July 30, 1998 (pictures posted August 1)
[almost] 38 weeks (July 13)
New bigger belly pictures (June 22)
Pictures from visit to Ari's parents (June 12)
Third trimester US picture - (June 11) very disappointing, be forewarned
Todd's graduation pictures (June 7)

(May 16)
2 office shots

(May 9)
playing with the digital camera - so far it's only experimental stuff when we first played with the camera, like pictures of the walls. Don't get your hopes up too much.
Beth's huge belly page - Even though it's Saturday, I went ahead and got dressed so I could take a few pix for you.

(April and before)
ultrasound pictures
a wedding picture